Mrs. Schroyer
Welcome to my Middle School Counseling Page! 

Please use this page to search for resources to help answer your questions.

A Little About Me! 

I first realized I wanted to be a school counselor while earning my bachelors degree in Psychology at the University of North Dakota. I found that helping kids was a true passion of mine as I volunteered at the local schools and worked at a mental health center in Grand Forks. It was solidified that school counseling is what I am meant to do as I completed my practicum while earning my Masters at South Dakota State University. I had fallen in love with the line of work years ago and I am loving the role of being a school counselor!
The summer of 2020 has been my favorite summer yet - and busiest! My husband, Creighton, and I spent a lot of family time with our three sons. We love being parents and doing things as a family such as long walks and hikes, traveling to the cabin on the weekends, reading long novels, and attending sporting events.

Most importantly, I look forward to working with each student in their personal, social, and academic areas as they develop throughout the school year. I can provide you and your student with many resources and benefits; please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.