Getting Organized!
Being organized makes your day run smoother and it saves you time. It also helps you feel like you are in control and on top of things.
Being organized isn't hard, but its a skill that needs to be developed and practiced.

Being organized will not only make you a betters student, it will help you succeed in your career and life.

Use a Student Planner 

Using a planner every day is a great way to stay organized.
Use your planner to record the following information:

Important Dates: Write in the beginning and ending date of each term, exam dates, special events, and the days your school will be closed for holidays and vacations.

Daily Assignments, Quizzes, and Tests: Write each assignment under the date its assigned. Beside each assignment, write the date its due. Check off each assignment when its completed. Write in all quiz and test dates. 

Projects and Papers: Break large assignments down into smaller more manageable parts. For example if you have a paper due on Friday you might give yourself these four assignments: 

Activities and Appointments: Write in practices, appointments, social activities and anything else you need to remember.

Organization Tips: 

Study Area:  Your study area should be comfortable, quiet, well lit, and have a surface for writing. Equip your study area with everything you need (paper, pencils, pens, calculator, etc.) 

Pocket Folders: Have a different colored pocket folder for each class. Use these folders for handouts, returned papers, and homework assignments. When a folder starts to get full, throw out anything you don't need, and put any papers you want to keep (review sheets, returned tests, etc.) in a home file. 

Notebooks: Use a three- ring notebook with tabs for different classes. Three ring notebooks work well because you can easily insert handouts, and if you're absent, you can copy a classmates notes and insert them where they belong. Keep a three hole punch in your notebook so you can put handouts in with your notes as soon as you get them. 

Phone Numbers: Have a phone number for at least one person in each class. If you miss a class or have a question about an assignment, you'll then have someone to call. 

Develop Routines: Have a morning routine that gets your day off to a good start. Get up early enough to eat a good breakfast and not be hurried. Before you go to bed, get everything ready for the next day. Put your book bag and anything else you will need in the same place each night. If there's something you need to remember in the morning, leave yourself a note. 

Create a Study Plan: Know when you study best and create a study plan that works for you. Identify anything that could interrupt your study plan and figure out how you can eliminate or avoid it. 

Eliminate Clutter: Put away or get rid of the things you don't need. 

Use a Monthly Wall Calendar: A monthly wall calendar will help you keep track of major events, project deadlines, vacations, etc.

Organize and Save Computer Work: Make sure that you save your work often. Regularly back up, clean up, and organize your computer files.